The 9S Learning Model

Whakapiri - Engagement phase

Learner's attention is gained. Learner is inducted into the focus of study. Orientated to context of learning. Feeling supported, a sense of belonging.


Gain attention of the learners

Stimulate: Gain attention and hook learner
Message to learner: There is something good here for you, stick with us
[Gain attention of the learners]


Inform learners of the objectives

Settle: Welcome and familiarise learner with the course
Message to learner: You are in the right place
[Inform learners of the objectives]


Stimulate recall of prior learning

Situate: Orientate the learner to LO and contextualise
Message to learner: This is where you are headed
[Stimulate recall of prior learning]

Whakamārama - Enlightenment phase

Learner works through learning activities, is supported with embedded strategies and provided with opportunities to check learning progress.


Present the content

Share: Create learning opportunities that start with activating and sharing prior knowledge
Message to learner: Recognise new knowledge and experience and integrate it into your experience
[Present the content]


Provide learning guidance

Scaffold: Pre-empt breakdowns in understanding through the use of embedded tools and learning strategies
Message to learner: Engage with learning approaches and make sense of them
[Provide learning guidance]


Elicit performance (practice)

Sharpen: Provide opportunities for learners to check their learning and apply
Message to learner: Rehearse and test your learning
[Elicit performance (practice)]

Whakamana - Empowerment phase

Learner is assessed and provided with meaningful feedback to support their progression to work or further study.


Provide feedback

Steer: Provide meaningful feedback
Message to learner: Accept suggestion for improvement and enhancement
[Provide feedback]


Assess performance

Survey: Formally assess and provide feedback
Message to learner: Measure your progress and accept feedback
[Assess performance]


Enhance retention and transfer to the job

Strengthen: Provide takeaways, tools, and confidence to support their progression
Message to learner: Reflect, build, solidify on your learning
[Enhance retention and transfer to the job]